The Struggle for the Control of the Television Station, 1992, oil on canvas, 381x 304cm
The Struggle for the Control of the Television Station (centre panel), 1992
Supping with the Devil , 1992, oil on canvas, 203x211cm
Fairy Tales of London 1 , 1992, oil on canvas, 206x163cm
Fairy Tales of London 2 , 1992, oil on canvas, 206x163cm
Pig Supper, 1993, Oil/Canvas, 223x224cm
Back to Fundamentals , 1992, oil/canvas
Choice, 1993, oil/canvas
Big Boy, 1994, oil on canvas
Fear at the Bus Stop, 1992, oil/canvas
Fear at the Bus Stop 1, 1992, pva/paper
Renouncing Violence, 1994, PVA/Paper
Untitled, 1994, PVA/paper
Dinner in the Ruins , 1993, oil/sand/canvas , 229x240cm
Fear of God Series: Untitled(Act of God), 1994, oil and sand on canvas, 159x127cm
Fear of God Series: Dark Ages (Car), 1994, PVA, sand, collage on paper, 114x89cm
Fear of God Series: One Voice , 1994, oil & sand on canvas, 142x167cm
Fear of God Series: Car, 1994, oil/sand /canvas, 51x41cm
Fear of God Series: Untitled (Grace of God), 1994, oil and sand on canvas, 159x127cm